open gardens, garden centre, plant nursery, tearoom Colchester Essex

Green Island Gardens

open gardens, garden centre, plant nursery, tearoom Colchester Essex

Green Island Gardens

open gardens, garden centre, plant nursery, tearoom Colchester Essex

Green Island Gardens

open gardens, garden centre, plant nursery, tearoom Colchester Essex

Green Island Gardens


Magnolia stellata

Magnolia 'Black Tulip'

Magnolia x soulangeana

Magnolias are a must have addition to the perfect spring garden, with their colourful and fragrant blossoms a true wonder in any garden. We stock a wide range of Magnolias here at Green Island Gardens, so you can find the perfect one for your garden. Here we have provided a brief description of our Magnolias, so you may know the colour and general size of each one.

Below there is a list of all the Magnolia's we stock, as well as brief descriptions to help decide which might be best for you. If you need more help, come visit our nursery at Green Island Gardens and we'll be happy to help.  To order any of our Magnolia's please email us at and we'll let you know availability and pricing!


Magnolia 'Heaven Scent'

 Vigorous small tree with dark foliage. Flowers grow up to 10cm in length and are cup-shaped with nine rosy-pink tepals, soon fading to pale pink with a magenta central stripe on the outside.


Magnolia 'Leonard Messel'

Vigorous medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree. Narrow leaves growing 12cm in length. Flowers are a lilac-pink, paler inside, and beautifully scented. A hardy plant growing best in moist and well drained soil.


Magnolia 'Lois'

A large, deciduous shrub. Has cup shaped flowers in a beautiful primrose yellow that do not fade, it is also scented.


Magnolia sieboldii

A large, spreading deciduous shrub with dark green leaves, greyish beneath. Its flowers are cup-shaped and fragrant, a beautiful white in contrast to the green foliage. They have prominent crimson stamens in their centre creating a unique look to them.



Magnolia stellata

Also known as Star Magnolia, this is a slow growing, medium-sized deciduous shrub of broadly rounded habit. Flowers are white and with up to 18 narrowly oblong, spreading white tepals in early spring.


Magnolia stellata 'Jane Platt'

'Jane Platt' is a larger, deciduous shrub with delicate pale pink, scented flowers with long, narrow petals in early to mid-spring.



Magnolia x soulangeana

Commonly known as the Saucer Magnolia, these are a spreading deciduous tree that grows up to 6m tall. It has obovate leaves that can be up to 20cm long. The flowers are white, pink or purple and goblet shaped up to 25cm across in the spring.


Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra'

The Black Lily Magnolia, named for its darker shaded flowers, blooming a deep reddish purple. The flowers are narrowly tulip shaped, and paired with glossy elliptic leaves.


Magnolia 'Vulcan'

A small, upright, deciduous tree with large, deep pink, cup and saucer shaped blooms. These are produced before the leaves in mid/late spring.


Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'

A compact, bushy, semi-evergreen shrub. The flowers are bowl shaped, lightly scented and colour a delicate greenish-white flushed with pink in mid spring to early summer as well as intermittently through to Autumn.



Magnolia 'Black Tulip'

Named for its cup-shaped and rich red-purple flowers, that look alike to a tulips. This is a vigorous, upright, and open-branched, deciduous tree.


Magnolia 'Genie'

Produces beautiful lightly scented flowers akin to tulips in late spring. They are a rich maroon colour and frequently followed by a second flowering in mid-summer.


Magnolia 'Sunrise'

Named for its ombre like petals, with raspberry stripes blending into cream petals like a sunrise. It is a compact, upright and deciduous shrub.


To order your plants 

If you would like to purchase plants to order, please email us and we will work out a price/availability and delivery charges for you. 
You can also visit our nursery here at Green Island Gardens! 
The nursery runs in conjunction with the garden and opening times are the same.
The nursery includes a further poly tunnel and shaded area for plants that prefer to be sited out of full sun. Enjoy a wider range of trees, shrubs and perennials, all available for sale, all of which can be seen growing in the gardens. 
There is also a wide variety of grasses, bulbs and alpines for sale and many unusual plants that do not feature in commercial garden centres.



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